Simple custom Angular (Angular2) Pipe that extends Number

We have a lot of code that looks like this in our new Angular (Angular2) module:

<div style="width:210px">
        {{ (overviewDetails.TotalTurnoverActualSecured ?
      (overviewDetails.TotalTurnoverActualSecured / 1000000) : 0) | number:'1.2-2' }}
    <div>{{ overviewDetails.TotalTurnoverActualSP / 1000000 
      | number:'1.2-2' }}</div>
    <div>{{ overviewDetails.TotalTurnoverActualSPF / 1000000 
      | number:'1.2-2' }}</div>
    <div style="clear:both"></div>

The main reason is that we just want to display numbers in 1.2 million, not 1200,000.

So obviously, we think about wrapping this in a custom Pipe function.

number is a Pipe name for the DecimalPipe class.  So we can extend that and borrow all the work the DecimalPipe does with parsing and formatting.

import { Pipe } from '@angular/core';
import { DecimalPipe } from '@angular/common';

  name: 'million'
export class MillionPipe extends DecimalPipe {
  transform(value: number): any {
    return super.transform(((value || 0)/ 1000000), "1.2-2");  

The Angular2 template then simplifies down to:

<div style="width:210px">
    <div>{{ overviewDetails.TotalTurnoverActualSecured | million }}</div>
    <div>{{ overviewDetails.TotalTurnoverActualSP  | million }}</div>
    <div>{{ overviewDetails.TotalTurnoverActualSPF  | million }}</div>
    <div style="clear:both"></div>

It is so nice to work with a Proper Object-Oriented language like TypeScript here.  Look at that extends.  <3