Flow Studio App v1.2 Updates

February and March was really busy for us here at Flow Studio.

Catherine is now wearing multiple hats and helping on Flow Studio in so many needed areas. You’ll see her a lot from here on.

Learn Flow Studio

First, we launched Learn Flow Studio - this is where we are publishing content, blog and newsletters regarding Flow Studio App. All of our previous documentation is moving here, and we’re not done yet! There are more articles to write.

Flow Studio - what’s changed in v1.2

  • Flow Studio App needed a backend cache library update - we took this opportunity to update our IndexedDB library from LocalForage to DexieDB. LocalForage doesn’t seem to be updated for some time, so the change looks necessary. We started this work on December 26, 2023.
    With this change in mind, we reworked the cache layer, giving us much better performance when we have lots of flows and flow runs. This is was quite a big change, the changes stayed in our dev branch for several months.

  • We fixed up a lot of labels, help text and links to learn flow studio.

  • We fixed Flow Studio migrate - removed operationMetadataId from being detected by the migrate wizard. There’s just too many guids it picked up.

  • We combined Flows and Flows (Solutions), so now everyone can see their solution flows in the free tier.

  • Made improvements to Full Text Search, when searching flow actions with “Compose This” we will also check for “Compose_This”. We also added RegExp search. Read more about this on learn.

Flow Studio App - roadmap / coming soon

  • At a high level, we are looking at moving more scanning to the background, giving users better control over the periodic scanning of the Power Platform, and rely on the IndexedDB cache to provide instant rendering of the Flow Studio App UI.

  • We want to start working on improving our user account management, including managing multiple license assignments and delegation.

  • We also are looking forward to implementing the Favourites feature.

Check out Flow Studio App