Keith's birthday

Keith, my firstborn son, eh has been born.

Lina had some issues over the entire weekend leading up to the birth, but finally contractions started just past Sunday midnight, and baby came around 6:35am on Monday morning.

About 5 hours of labour, which we're really happy about - we both know we're very lucky to have a relatively short labour.

Labour is terrible. 

But the joy when the baby arrives is indescribable.

I can't stop thinking about my beautiful baby.

So in two days, I've managed to:

  1. Spam everyone about my baby, emailed, blogged, posted in every freaking forum I visit
  2. Take lots of Keith's pictures... but he appears to be sleeping whenever I take pictures!  In ALL of them!!  Sneaky baby.
  3. Sneak food into hospital for Lina
  4. Clean up Keith's poo twice
  5. Clean up Keith's wee once
  6. Ate all of Lina's biscuits, and cheese
  7. Had Keith mistaken me for mum and try to extract food from my chest - no son, man and woman are different
  8. Got kicked out of hospital for staying there past visiting hours - yes, I don't understand why hubby can't stay...
  9. Oh and I managed to upload Keith's first YouTube movie - I'm sure that'll stick around until he's old enough to watch it himself.
  10. And I've fallen in love with Lina and baby all over again.  They are the two bestest thing to happen to me.

Tomorrow, we try to get the hospital to kick us out so we can get Lina and baby home (trying to get a hospital discharge).

Lina is missing her bed terribly.

A little bit of confession...

I'm scared Keith's grandma (Lina's mum) will try to do something different to what I want to do with Keith - (I think) she seems to think the best thing for Keith is a bottle of milk in his mouth at all times, just because that's how it's done in Indonesia.  I'm a bit worried.  I firmly believe in breast feeding and I'd rather Keith go a bit hungry so he has better appetite for breast feeding, rather than stuffing him with a bottle all day.

I know one of my nephews is picky about breast milk or formula (powder) milk.  I personally prefer if Keith have no such options.  It's breast milk or nothing.

Here are the links for sharing: