Test yourself. A MicrosoftFlow Expressions Quiz!
I had an idea a while ago that a Quiz built with Microsoft Form would be a great way to learn and improve our knowledge of Microsoft Flow expressions. For a long time there was just two questions on date time expressions.
I saw some entries since my previous post, and this sunny Saturday morning I decided to add more questions and ramp it up to 10.
So, test yourself! The test is completely anonymous, and it gets really hard at the end, so I suggest unless you are PhD #DoctorFlow - treat this as an open book quiz.
The Quiz
Special thanks to many of the early testers (Paul Culmsee, Fausto, Pieter, Sandy Ussia, Daniel Christian) that gave me a lot of feedback - I try to put in lots of comments regarding why a certain answer isn't correct, and clarify what I mean in many of the questions with examples of the result we wanted.
I'll leave this up indefinitely - use it to test your knowledge, and/or use it as a learning tool for some of the examples.