John Liu .NET

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Run Any PnP-PowerShell via Drag and Drop Zip to AzureFunctions

So I previously asked aloud "Can we simplify this further" - It turns out you can.  You can deploy a PnP-PowerShell from scratch in 1 minute.

And since we are targetting completely non-devs.  We do this via dragging and dropping one Zip file.



In my mind - yes.  Yes that installation could get simpler.  App Services (because of the Kudu backend) supports Zip Deploy.

But a quick read of the article it targets DevOps doing zipdeploy with Azure CLI, REST or PowerShell.  There's nothing for a yet-to-be-developer.  What I wanted to do was drag and drop zip deploy (so I quickly reached out to Ling Toh and turns out she says she does it all the time).

Steps in Pictures

1. Grab this ZIP file

2. Create a new Functions App

3. Drag and Drop zip file into Kudu

4. Configure App Settings

Back to Functions page under Azure Portal.  Refresh and you'll see the function appear.
Go to app settings to set up the USER/PW variables we need for the test.

5. Test it


That's it really.  Drag and drop deploy of a function via ZIP file.
Feel free to open up the zip and see how all the pieces are laid out, including the entire PnP-PowerShell module dependency.