John Liu .NET

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All Demo Downloads will be on Github - blog housekeeping

I've taken a short break from writing blog posts - I haven't been idle, I have been writing something.  Hopefully to be able to share it with everyone soon.  Anticipation is killing me.

As we roll into a new month September!  There are a few planned updates I'm doing for the rest of the year...

  1. Several old blog posts that was in Draft will be merged and published.  These are summary posts from the Office 365 Saturday events I've been going to.
  2. I've been in several SharePoint Sydney user group sessions and that needs summaries too.
  3. SPFx is announced, and now Developer Preview.  Posts there too.
  4. I'm looking around to see what's the best way to record some video sessions as I retire them to the archives.

First big announcement.

All future demo downloads will be on Github!

The download files for my demos on Upskill Your Javascript - from building JS WebParts for SharePoint to Office Add-ins and Azure Functions is up first.

The main driver for this is that the files are updated overtime, and Github really provides a much better place for me to point people to and say the latest files are over here.  Check it out, and if you have Issues - tag them directly on the lines.

So that's the first of the big news.

Seems obvious now...