John Liu .NET

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Building modern public sites (JAM Stack) with Microsoft Flow

Web technologies evolve, and we are on the edge of a new stack, it is called JAMStack.

  • Javascript

  • API

  • Markup

In the world of JAM Stack, we create serverless public sites by hosting them directly from a CDN.

Now there are plenty of frameworks that will move to help developers to create this type of applications right now and next.

What I’m writing about is how citizen developers can take advantage of the same pattern to build public websites

Episode 0

  • Define JAM Stack

  • Set up data source (SharePoint)

  • Set up API (Flow)

  • Set up Storage (Azure Storage)

  • Set up CDN (Cloud Flare)

  • Set up dynamic trigger

Whether you are a Professional Developer or a Citizen Developer - you need to understand the basics of this stack. This will save you a LOT of money.