From Office 365 to Azure Event Grid, the events must Flow

Photo by Archana More on Unsplash

In this blog post, we capture all the events across an Office 365 Tenant from multiple event sources, gather them, and send them through an Azure Event Grid.

We then listen, filter and handle our events in a central, unified way.

The events must Flow.

This is also the full write up of this microblog posted to Twitter #FlowNinja earlier this month.


  1. What benefit do we get from this?

  2. Listen to every event across an Office 365 Tenant

  3. Construct a uniform event message

  4. Send them into a Serverless Event Solution - Azure Event Grid

  5. Filter and catch our events

We want to build 3 Flows


What benefit do we get from this?

First, we see the increasing availability of event hooks - we have subscriptions, delta queries, or webhooks, across various different products in Office 365. Some products like SharePoint is getting a SocketIO webhook. There will be more events, and our event handling design must evolve.

Second, we see the cost-effective solutions to handle these ever increasing flood of events in the form of Serverless compute. This is true with Azure Functions, Microsoft Flow or Azure Logic Apps.

We end up with a lot of individual event sources and a lot of individual event receivers. This is a common event handling problem. As number of events we handle increases, the worse the event management problem becomes.

Consider you have a “handle a document uploaded to a library” event - a very typical SharePoint Workflow. Now consider this library is cloned to a hundred project sites.

If we clone the event handler a hundred times, we have a problem.

If you have already done this with Flow, then try to help you manage them.
Ooh inline product placement!

If you are a developer, then consider this scenario.
Consider a typical event handling in the browser. A decade ago we used jQuery like this:

// 2008

// 2018
$(global).on('click', 'button', handler);

And gradually we find that unacceptable, because we have buttons, events everywhere, and managing individual event hooks was tedious and error prone. Eventually, we moved to a global handler model, and we filter just prior to event being raised.

The headache-less way to handle events is to set the hooks all at the global root level, and then filter by the event source and event type.

That is the exact reason we need Azure Event Grid.

  • Centrally manage our events

  • Decouple the event source from event handlers

  • Stay sane, with a hard problem

Listen to every event across an Office 365 Tenant

I had previously wrote about listening to Office 365 Management API via the HTTP action and app-only permissions. What I did not realize was that the Office 365 Management API also have fantastic webhooks.

I read about the webhooks from Kent Weare’s post, where he uses this event to get a trigger when Flows are created in the tenant.

These are grouped into several categories: AzureAD, Exchange, SharePoint and General (other).

This is the subscriber. One picture of 4 blocks. I’m subscribing to three webhooks at once.

The Office 365 Management API is a fantastic general event source. The downside is that it’s not instant - event handler is called between 10-20minutes after the actual event. So it is great as an audit webhook, or for scheduling files or search or to signal for a bot to re-scan a document. But it’s not an instant webhook.

Of course, if our goal is to send events into an Event Grid - we can work with multiple event sources at the same time. We can add Microsoft Graph events or subscribe to SharePoint list webhooks directly.

This is the top of the Listener

Construct a uniform event message

The event grid has a event JSON structure, it also supports a CloudEvent structure.

When I built my implementation, the Event Grid connector is still in preview and I had troubles publishing a Cloud Event structure. I assume this wouldn’t be a problem anymore as the connector evolves.

This is the final loop design - all done.

Remember, we are running Serverless so abuse/utilize every opportunity to use as many Azure Servers as you can - if you can fan-out to parallelism you must.

Don’t talk to each individual HTTP action one at a time. Do (up to 50) all at the same time.

Send them into a Serverless Event solution - Azure Event Grid

The Azure Event Grid is a serverless event processing pipeline. It decouples our event source(s) from our event handlers.

Here is our first handler.

This catches every event on the Event Grid - in Event Grid, we see we have our first webhook attached - it appears as a LogicApps webhook.

Here are three examples of what it caught:

  • Flow created Event

  • Site Collection created Event

  • File uploaded Event


Filter and catch our events

We see the very specific webhook now registered on the event grid - and the filters are also listed

PPTX filter only runs when the file I’ve uploaded is a PowerPoint file.


I have been talking a lot about Serverless and how our tools and design must evolve. Having a unique Office 365 to Event Grid solution is something I talked about as far back as 2017. I’m glad a year later I’ve finally got a great prototype going.

  • Office 365 Management API is a great webhook source that catches all sorts of events. The downside is that it is an audit webhook, so the delay may not be acceptable to your needs.

  • Using Azure Event Grid to perform filtering and subscription gives us the unique ability to see EVERYTHING that’s going on in our tenant. That has tremendous value.

  • Because event source and event handling is now decoupled - we can add new event sources to push to the same Azure Event Grid. We can do this from Microsoft Graph, we can do this from SharePoint, or we can do this from a whole myriad of triggers available in Microsoft Flow

  • We can write Azure Functions to trigger off the Event Grid, and it would be visible as well.

  • I was reading and appreciating sending events to the new Azure SignalR service from Azure Functions - that would be pretty amazing to convert an event grid message into a websocket event.

The possibilities are endless. Our tools and our design must evolve.

Speaking and Hackathon at Digital Workplace Conference Australia - Melbourne


In a little less than a month on August 15-16, I'll be presenting in Melbourne at the Digital Workplace Conference Australia 2018.

(I still fondly remember this conference as the previously annual Australian SharePoint Conference - but all things evolve.  SharePoint to SharePoint Online to Office 365, and the workplace evolved from portals to intranet to social platforms to conversational platforms).

Flow and Functions: level up our Serverless Toolkit in Office 365

I will be presenting an amped up talk covering the implementation and automation with Microsoft Flow and Azure Functions.  This is one of several sessions on Microsoft Flow at this conference so I will be covering implementation and mastery at level 200+  (But because it's Flow, it'll still look deceivingly simple!)

John join forces with Paul Culmsee and Ashlee at #DWCAU pre-conf hackathon

I want to also mention that I'm helping out with Paul Culmsee and Ashlee's PowerApps and Flow Workshop/Hackathon on 14 August 2018

I personally don't know how much PowerApps and Flow raw potential would be in that room in the hackathon.  I really want to find out and I hope you would too.  Space for this is limited - please consider this one day pre-conference workshop.

"Learn PowerApps and Flow from experts and build an app that you need." says John.

"Two MVPs for the price of one" says Paul.  I'll just leave this here.

Whether at the conference, and/or the hackathon, I hope to see you there in Melbourne.

Run Any PnP-PowerShell via Drag and Drop Zip to AzureFunctions


So I previously asked aloud "Can we simplify this further" - It turns out you can.  You can deploy a PnP-PowerShell from scratch in 1 minute.

And since we are targetting completely non-devs.  We do this via dragging and dropping one Zip file.



In my mind - yes.  Yes that installation could get simpler.  App Services (because of the Kudu backend) supports Zip Deploy.

But a quick read of the article it targets DevOps doing zipdeploy with Azure CLI, REST or PowerShell.  There's nothing for a yet-to-be-developer.  What I wanted to do was drag and drop zip deploy (so I quickly reached out to Ling Toh and turns out she says she does it all the time).

Steps in Pictures

1. Grab this ZIP file

2. Create a new Functions App

3. Drag and Drop zip file into Kudu

4. Configure App Settings

Back to Functions page under Azure Portal.  Refresh and you'll see the function appear.
Go to app settings to set up the USER/PW variables we need for the test.

5. Test it


That's it really.  Drag and drop deploy of a function via ZIP file.
Feel free to open up the zip and see how all the pieces are laid out, including the entire PnP-PowerShell module dependency.

Run any PnP-PowerShell in one AzureFunction from Microsoft Flow


Are you missing a SharePoint connector in Flow?  Do you need that one extra thing that's only in PnP-PowerShell (because there are 300 cmdlets in PnP-PowerShell)?  Frustrated with having to write another AzureFunction just for this one thing?


(Trumpet please) Behold!  I present the last AzureFunction (for PnP-PowerShell) you'll ever need to write.


And then, we'll call it from Flow.  Hmm wait, I think we can do better with the title...
(Trumpet please) Behold!

Run-Any-PowerShell in Flow

Wait, wait, no, why stop there with the title...
(Trumpet please) Behold!

Run Any Compute You Want in Flow



  • Create our Run-Any-PnP-PowerShell script
  • Call it from Flow
  • Call it to do some random compute for us

Create our Run-Any-PnP-PowerShell script

First - create an AzureFunctions app.  Install PnP-PowerShell in it.

I have an old post in 2016 that has similar steps, but the ones from SharePoint PnP Team is much more current.

If you have one already - great, just add another method. 

Select PowerShell from Experimental.  I call it Run-Any-PnP-PowerShell

Write the method.

# we need to import PnP-PowerShell cmdlets
Import-Module "D:\home\site\wwwroot\modules\SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline.psd1"

# POST method: $req
$script = Get-Content $req -Raw

# prepare credentials from environment USER/PW
$securepw = ConvertTo-SecureString $env:PW -AsPlainText -Force
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($env:USER, $securepw)

# run the script from POST body
Invoke-Expression $script -OutVariable out | Tee-Object -Variable out

# catch output and send it back
Out-File -Encoding Ascii -FilePath $res -inputObject $out

6 lines of magic.

Call this from Flow

This works because Azure Functions is pretty clever about guessing the output of the Function, and changes the content type to JSON

Call it to do some random compute

Here's the same Function doing complex maths.  It'll also handle XML, JSON, .NET Framework and run any of the existing cmdlets or any extra ones we decide to import.

I think this ASCII module isn't very good.


Security [updated]

The feedback I got immediately was we'll need to secure that.  That's fair.  Here's a bunch of pretty important links to secure such a crazy "weapon of mass scripting".

Guard your AzureFunction activation key

Because you are calling AzureFunction from within a Flow - technically, only people that use the Flow can see the URL.

IP Filtering

Turn on IP Address Filtering for Azure Functions 
And the list of IP Addresses for your Flow runs from 

Secure by Azure AD

You can secure the Function with Azure AD

Your Flow HTTP request will need to authenticate as well before it can call your AzureFunction.

Implementing Azure Functions Managed Service Identity

This prevents the username/password being stored in the environment which can be read by the script.  With MSI, the credentials are stored in KeyVault.

Switch to Azure Automation

Azure Automation's native integration with KeyVault may offer the extra security you want.  I personally find it slower to start up, and the connector to retrieve the output is one extra step.  But this is definitely possible.

Add Persistent Logging

Because all the scripts has to come through your Flow - add a logging step that ensures scripts that are run are stored away with a log.



I do apologize I published this initially without talking about some security options.  Over the next day it became pretty clear that we need to secure such a crazy technique.

On the other hand, there was some pretty good discussions - so may be leaving out the security section for one day was a good idea after all.

Two complementary MicrosoftFlow podcasts in March, and Two Plateaus of MicrosoftFlow

Two complementary MicrosoftFlow podcasts in March, and Two Plateaus of MicrosoftFlow

John, you just recommended people learn Expressions and you cheered when Jon says Expressions is going away?!  Why are you so inconsistent?!

I finished listening to two parallel podcasts and there's some great contrasts between them that I wanted to point out, and write them down.

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