Microsoft Flow: SharePoint Trigger on specific fields changed via SP HTTP Request


A very common request in Microsoft Flow for SharePoint is a trigger that only runs when a certain field has changed, or when it has changed to a certain value.

With the new SharePoint "Send an HTTP request to SharePoint" action, we can now do this in relatively few steps with the help of List Versioning.




  • Enable List Versioning

  • Obtain item versions results on item change

  • A conditional fast exit

  • Understand the data formats and how to debug

  • Summary


Enable List Versioning


Obtain item versions results on item change 

// SPREST-Versions
"method": "post",
"body": {
  "method": "GET",
  "uri": "_api/web/lists/getbytitle('ListWithHistory')/items(triggerBody()?['ID'])/versions?$top=2",
  "headers": {
    "accept": "application/json; odata=nometadata"

// Select
  "from": "body('SPREST-Versions')?['value']",
  "select": {
    "ID": "item()?['ID']",
    "VersionLabel": "item()?['VersionLabel']",
    "Title": "item()?['Title']",
    "Demo": "item()?['Demo']",
    "Completed": "item()?['Completed']"

Versions returns the latest version first.
But there are a few tweaks we can do here:

  1. If we ONLY ever care about the latest two versions - we use $top=2
    this covers the new version and the previous version.

  2. If we care about the latest versions within the last few minutes - we can filter with $filter=Modified gt 'last-5-minutes-date-expression'

    The expression would be addMinutes(utcNow(), -5) but it should be formed in a separate action above.

  3. I have seen really complex mixed up Flow triggers with a lot of overlapping list item updates - I highly advise designing the workflow to not do that. This pattern here can help decouple those situations.

There are many fields on version endpoint - Select will clean it up to only the specific fields that we care about:

A conditional fast exit

// Condition-SameTitle
equals(first(body('SelectVersions'))?['Title'], last(body('SelectVersions'))?['Title'])


Results for success and failure. 
This check can be performed with ~4 actions, as part of the pre-condition check for whether to continue the Flow.


Understand the data formats and how to debug

Understanding this step is interesting for debugging purposes.  Since we are calling REST and getting back JSON, we need to know how to read it and 

Run this, and we'll see the default output which is

But for our needs - it can be a lot easier if we apply additional header.

See also:

With either method, we end up with one of these expressions to get to the result array of versions:



  • Tip 1 - use accept header to get simpler result

  • Read the output to understand the return JSON format

  • Tip 2 - using $top=2 is simpler than Tip 3.

  • Tip 3 (advanced) - using $filter to compare whether just the last two versions or changes as a batch

  • Tip 4 (advanced) - on the created event - there will be only one version. So
    refers to the same row.

    We can force comparison by:

    The second row [1] doesn't exist, but ? will replace the query with null.

  • Use expressions to navigate the JSON structure

  • Use Select to simplify the result array

  • Remove complexity in overlapping Flows hitting update on the same list item by making sure Flows exit early when not required - this will simplify a lot of our Flow designs

  • Tip 5 (advanced) - in the SelectVersion step - do not include the VersionLabel then in the comparison step - compare the two JSON objects string(first(body('SelectVersions'))) and string(last(body('SelectVersions'))) directly. This allows us to check all the fields together.


Run Any PnP-PowerShell via Drag and Drop Zip to AzureFunctions


So I previously asked aloud "Can we simplify this further" - It turns out you can.  You can deploy a PnP-PowerShell from scratch in 1 minute.

And since we are targetting completely non-devs.  We do this via dragging and dropping one Zip file.



In my mind - yes.  Yes that installation could get simpler.  App Services (because of the Kudu backend) supports Zip Deploy.

But a quick read of the article it targets DevOps doing zipdeploy with Azure CLI, REST or PowerShell.  There's nothing for a yet-to-be-developer.  What I wanted to do was drag and drop zip deploy (so I quickly reached out to Ling Toh and turns out she says she does it all the time).

Steps in Pictures

1. Grab this ZIP file

2. Create a new Functions App

3. Drag and Drop zip file into Kudu

4. Configure App Settings

Back to Functions page under Azure Portal.  Refresh and you'll see the function appear.
Go to app settings to set up the USER/PW variables we need for the test.

5. Test it


That's it really.  Drag and drop deploy of a function via ZIP file.
Feel free to open up the zip and see how all the pieces are laid out, including the entire PnP-PowerShell module dependency.

Run any PnP-PowerShell in one AzureFunction from Microsoft Flow


Are you missing a SharePoint connector in Flow?  Do you need that one extra thing that's only in PnP-PowerShell (because there are 300 cmdlets in PnP-PowerShell)?  Frustrated with having to write another AzureFunction just for this one thing?


(Trumpet please) Behold!  I present the last AzureFunction (for PnP-PowerShell) you'll ever need to write.


And then, we'll call it from Flow.  Hmm wait, I think we can do better with the title...
(Trumpet please) Behold!

Run-Any-PowerShell in Flow

Wait, wait, no, why stop there with the title...
(Trumpet please) Behold!

Run Any Compute You Want in Flow



  • Create our Run-Any-PnP-PowerShell script
  • Call it from Flow
  • Call it to do some random compute for us

Create our Run-Any-PnP-PowerShell script

First - create an AzureFunctions app.  Install PnP-PowerShell in it.

I have an old post in 2016 that has similar steps, but the ones from SharePoint PnP Team is much more current.

If you have one already - great, just add another method. 

Select PowerShell from Experimental.  I call it Run-Any-PnP-PowerShell

Write the method.

# we need to import PnP-PowerShell cmdlets
Import-Module "D:\home\site\wwwroot\modules\SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline.psd1"

# POST method: $req
$script = Get-Content $req -Raw

# prepare credentials from environment USER/PW
$securepw = ConvertTo-SecureString $env:PW -AsPlainText -Force
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($env:USER, $securepw)

# run the script from POST body
Invoke-Expression $script -OutVariable out | Tee-Object -Variable out

# catch output and send it back
Out-File -Encoding Ascii -FilePath $res -inputObject $out

6 lines of magic.

Call this from Flow

This works because Azure Functions is pretty clever about guessing the output of the Function, and changes the content type to JSON

Call it to do some random compute

Here's the same Function doing complex maths.  It'll also handle XML, JSON, .NET Framework and run any of the existing cmdlets or any extra ones we decide to import.

I think this ASCII module isn't very good.


Security [updated]

The feedback I got immediately was we'll need to secure that.  That's fair.  Here's a bunch of pretty important links to secure such a crazy "weapon of mass scripting".

Guard your AzureFunction activation key

Because you are calling AzureFunction from within a Flow - technically, only people that use the Flow can see the URL.

IP Filtering

Turn on IP Address Filtering for Azure Functions 
And the list of IP Addresses for your Flow runs from 

Secure by Azure AD

You can secure the Function with Azure AD

Your Flow HTTP request will need to authenticate as well before it can call your AzureFunction.

Implementing Azure Functions Managed Service Identity

This prevents the username/password being stored in the environment which can be read by the script.  With MSI, the credentials are stored in KeyVault.

Switch to Azure Automation

Azure Automation's native integration with KeyVault may offer the extra security you want.  I personally find it slower to start up, and the connector to retrieve the output is one extra step.  But this is definitely possible.

Add Persistent Logging

Because all the scripts has to come through your Flow - add a logging step that ensures scripts that are run are stored away with a log.



I do apologize I published this initially without talking about some security options.  Over the next day it became pretty clear that we need to secure such a crazy technique.

On the other hand, there was some pretty good discussions - so may be leaving out the security section for one day was a good idea after all.

Design a "Delay until SharePoint File Changed" HTTP+Webhook for MicrosoftFlow

I love challenges - I love hearing people say "We need a Delay until File Changed" action in Microsoft Flow.  I agree.  But those are the same questions that sets one inquisitive mind to wander.


  • The Special Puzzle Piece
  • The generic nested Flow
  • The parent Flow
  • Results
  • Extend the technique

The Special Puzzle Piece "HTTP + Webhook"

Flows are triggered based on events - we can't easily have "a second trigger" in the middle of a Flow.  But there's a magical action in Flow that does do a 'wait' - and that's the HTTP + Webhook action.

"HTTP + Webhook" sounds like we plan to call someone else' webhook.  But we can use that to call our own webmethods.  So the idea then is that in the parent Flow, where we are building an approval, we'd delegate a 'wait' to a child nested flow and then have a generic Nested Flow that would perform any sort of 'wait'.  When the wait is over, the child Flow calls the callback URL and returns data back to the parent.

I first read about HTTP Webhook can be used this way reading @sp_muser blog post on Actionable Messages with Azure Functions.

HTTP Webhook left a very deep impression with me after reading that blog post.  Like a new lightbulb that won't go away.
Sometimes, we adapt new techniques.  This opens doors to new designs.  I hope this will help more people to be creative.

The nested child Flow

This is the child Flow - it uses a HTTP Request trigger and we need two arguments - a callback url, and a filepath to watch for in SharePoint.

We immediately check the file in SharePoint and remember the modified datetime (store this in a variable- modified).

Next, enter a do-until loop, and delay every 5 minutes and then grab the file's metadata again and check if the modified time has changed.  When it has changed, we exit the do-util loop, and call the original callback url with a plain HTTP action.

In your real scenario, think about whether 5 minute wait is too unnecessary, it may be better to check once an hour, or only a few times a day, if you don't want to loop too much.

The Parent Flow

In the parent workflow, where we need to delay until a File has changed - use the HTTP Webhook action, call the URL of the child Nested Flow, pass in the URL of the SharePoint file, as well as the listcallback() from the HTTP Webhook action.

Notice when the parent workflow is running and it enters the HTTP Webhook, the parent Flow enters a long-waiting asynchronous wait, magically.


I go and modify the file that we are watching.

Notice the child Nested Flow wakes up after the next delay and detects the file's modified time has changed.

This exits the do-until loop, and call the callback URL.

Calling the callback URL wakes up and collapses the parent Flow

See the parent "waiting" action completes in some time in the future.  In my example, it was 10minutes.  But in real world this can be days or weeks.  Flow's timeout is 30 days.  So we can build quite complex, long-waiting, asynchronous processes.

Extend this technique

We can use multiple parallel HTTP Webhooks if we are waiting for multiple files or process updates to finish.

The nested Flow may not just check a file - it can be any long running process.

There's also a consideration that a long running HTTP Webhook works very similar to an Approval process and the Flow will happily wait for all these steps to return before collapsing and fan-in.


Office 365 Groups Management As A Service: Episode II: Know your groups with Flow, MSGraph

This is the second post on building a group management tool with Flow and MSGraph.  In this post we talk about how to get a list of all your groups and copy them to a list in SharePoint so you can do more fancy things with them.

Episode I: Create Groups


  • Call MSGraph with Flow to get a list of all your Office 365 Groups
  • Create a SharePoint list to store them
  • Create/Update SharePoint list items
    (these steps above are good enough, the steps below are bonus points)
  • Delta Query
  • More Details
  • Parallel Execution
  • [NEW] Paging (if you have more than 100 groups) - suggestion to this post by @mikaelsvenson

MSGraph to List Groups

Some of you may have seem my love letter tweet.

  • MS Graph endpoint is - docs 
  • Authority is
  • Audience is Resource:
  • Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret you'll need to register an App-Only credential app to get these.  Grant that App permission to Read Groups


Create a SharePoint List to store them

Complete the Flow to store Groups to SharePoint

This picture is complex, because it has a lot of tricky parts that's mostly caused by the way Flow's Editor works.  Flow's editor will try to filter the variables available to you by type, the Parse JSON action will parse JSON into a strongly type object following a strict schema.  This lets your subsequent actions work well.

BUT when your action returns null then suddenly the Parse JSON action can fail.  You'll then need to go back to the schema, and change some of the error "types" to "any".  You also may need to remove some of the fields from "required"

A few tweaks to the Parse JSON:

These tweaks are necessary because Parse JSON will fail if one of your groups don't have a createDateTime, classification or displayName.  You need to run this on your environment and check whether the fields need to be required or tweaked.






Delta Query

Because MS Graph supports Delta Queries - we can call the Graph with a Delta Query link, essentially, each time we call it, it'll return a nextLink (or a deltaLink).  So we just remember that, and use it the next time we want to call MS Graph again, and it will tell us just the differences.

See the delta query picked up one new Group I created for testing.

With a delta query - you can reliably set the Flow to run several times a day, and it will only send new/updated Groups back into the SharePoint list.



More Group Details

Sometimes you want more information on that group.  You can call Get group (on Azure AD connector) to get more information on the group.


We can configure the foreach action in Flow to run in parallel with 20 concurrency.  You'll need to add this to the definition JSON.

"runtimeConfiguration": { "concurrency": { "repetitions": 20 } }

See the task of writing 19 Office 365 groups to sharepoint list was done in 4 seconds.



[New] Paging

This section is added as @mikaelsvenson pointed out that I wasn't handling paging for groups.  Mikael also told me to use $top so I don't have to create a few hundred groups for testing.

Always listen to Mikael.

But I don't want to do loops - I've seen a pagination control, I want to know what that does.


Go to the settings for HTTP action and the first one is Pagination.
Turn that on, and set the limit to 5000.

  • Pagination controls seems to merge the results of multiple requests into one value array.  This is good.
  • Pagination controls works on Delta query - this is also good.
  • Pagination results does not return the deltaLink for next Delta query.  This is not so good.  So if we are planning to merge both Pagination and Delta Query we'll need to may be make two calls.


  • Use HTTP with Azure AD Auth to get all my groups in one call
  • Save that to SharePoint
  • Deal with Delta Queries with Flow
  • Configure Parallel execution in Flow so we can do this super fast.  This isn't code that runs one group at a time...  why would we do that when we can hit 20 at a time :-)