Windows Phone 7 - need Zune

I love Zune software - it is so much better than iTunes.  But actually to use and synchronize your Windows Phone 7 you don't really need Zune at all.


This one area where it suddenly asked me to connect to Zune was to grab Podcasts.  Personally I kind of wished that the phone would just synchronize without connecting to a computer, but on the other hand, if you had lots of music on your computer or network, you'll need Zune to get it synchronized onto the phone.

Zune is just pretty, and detects all the iTunes library effortlessly.

Windows Phone 7 : Facebook error 85FB4400

Connecting and synchronizing my Windows Phone 7 - most things are smooth, but not everything.  Here's a few posts quickly listing my issues:


My Facebook seems to have been synchronized, but the synchronization page lists an error.  Users seem to be indicating that this is caused by missing pictures in the contacts.

Anyway, contacts and pictures seems to have been synchronized regardless.  So probably just unpolished software.

Silverlight + SharePoint 2010 - did you just deploy customizations to SharePoint via the document upload?

Just finished my presentation earlier tonight in SDDN regarding Silverlight and SharePoint.  I had some initial reservations whether true Silverlight people want to even know about SharePoint, but I was pretty blown away by their feedback, interesting questions, and I think they found the session insightful. 

This is good :-)


I think I delivered my first "shock and awe" when people first saw me deploy to SharePoint.  I finished building my XAP file, and then browsed over to SharePoint, selected my Shared Documents library, clicked upload files (and for additional effect, used the drag & drop upload facility in SharePoint 2010).  Before you knew it, I had the XAP file in my document library, and I'm adding a Silverlight web part and configuring the XAP URL.

For comedy effect, I was pretending as if this is business as usual.

You guys were too good and picked it up right away - it was just too magical.  Hold on a second!  Did you just by-passed all the system admins and deployed customization code to your SharePoint server

The absolutely correct answer is, no, not really, I just deployed customizations to the SharePoint UI, an additional tool if you will, that will help you do your job easier.  Technically, it is not running on the server.  Technically, you can run a separate .NET exe tool to work against SharePoint via the same web services and it can do similar things.

Depending who you are, this might be too magical, and thus, way too dangerous.  I think the thought falls into two categories, and I'm hoping by discussing this, we can compare some thoughts on the PROs and CONs of deploying Silverlight to SharePoint.



  • Bypass system admins
  • Can rapidly develop and test.  Can rapidly update new version
  • Can create simple tools and install them on SharePoint quickly
  • Deploy to SharePoint online


  • Unsafe code, is still unsafe
  • I can deploy a Silverlight webpart that will take my boss' permissions and copy sensitive data to a public location


I suggest a compromised workaround for Production SharePoint

  • Block upload of *.XAP files from Central Administration | Web Applications
  • Allow sandbox solutions - which can install XAP files, via the Solutions Gallery
  • Rely only on in-house developed solutions, or solutions purchased through a trusted and verified source such as, Bamboo, or ProdUShare.


At the end of the day, I believe that yes - tools can be used for evil, but for many many businesses, the need for tools to help them to be more efficient, and the need for a stable server that doesn't die all the time, far out-weights the risks of allowing Silverlight solutions.

  • A badly behaving Silverlight crashes one browser, affecting one user
  • A badly behaving web page customization crashes the App Pool, and affects many users

In terms of customizing SharePoint to rapidly meet business needs and still maintain high levels of server availability, you can't ignore or brush off Silverlight + SharePoint possibilities.

I hope the market will agree with me, and I think as long as you don't use your tools for evil, you can help a lot of people with what you can build.


I'm still so excited.

Microsoft Live Spaces goes to WordPress

I've used and hated Microsoft Live Spaces for blogging.

Finally Microsoft did what they should have done years ago, they killed it.


They are getting WordPress to do all the blogs, migration path starts here:


As long as they retain the Windows Messenger Live integration (which is the only thing I liked about Live Spaces), and give me the extensibility and tools of WordPress.  This is just great for their customers.

Silverlight - gzip compression for your Domain and Duplex service(s)

I've been pretty unhappy with the data that's been thrown back and forth between a RIA DomainService and the Silverlight client.  I feel it's too big, too heavy.  When everything is running on localhost, you can't feel this.  But the moment you put everything onto an external staging server (or the production) - it's suddenly painfully obvious that perhaps some of the services are just way too chatty, that's a post for another day.

While thinking about this on my way to the car after work, I suddenly remembered that I still haven't turned on gzip compression for the production server.  A grin comes to my face, cause I know this would be an easy win.



First, measure your existing service calls.  You can do this easily with Fiddler 2, which lets you watch all HTTP traffic between your browser (where the Silverlight client sits), and the server, where the Domain and Duplex services are busily responding.


Figure: Domain Service request call


Figure: Duplex service call


Enable GZIP compression on Server

Enabling GZIP compression on the server, in 3 easy steps

1. The server has to know explicitly you want to compress these new content types.

Open C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config  as administrator

Modify the dynamic compression section, add our two new content types

Note; the exact mimetype depends on your service binding, and whether you choose to use text encoding.  Check Fiddler data if you aren't sure.




2. Enable dynamic compression via IIS on your web application



3. Recycle the AppPool (or the more catastrophic IISRESET, if you prefer that)


Result - test again

Refresh your Silverlight page, and let's see the new data


Figure: compressed domain service



Figure: compressed duplex service



I've picked a service call that's only returning 1 row of data, and it's shrunk the data size by 60%.  Over large chunks of data, I expect the compression to be significantly higher.

Smaller messages means less time for the browser to receive the response message, and since browsers already take care of compression and encoding, Silverlight doesn't even need to know that the message has arrived compressed.

Result is a small speed improvement over external sites with only a few simple steps Smile