Mathematically Elegant way to Flatten an Array of Arrays in Power Automate

When working with data in Power Automate, you may encounter nested arrays (arrays within arrays)—especially when dealing with JSON responses, SharePoint lists, or API results. However, many Power Automate actions require a flat array to work properly.

In this post, I'll show you a mathematically elegant way to flatten an array of arrays into a single-level array using Power Automate expressions.

Understanding the Problem

Let's say you have the following array:

    ["Ford", "Toyota"],
    ["BMW", "Audi"],
    ["Honda", "Nissan"]

Instead of dealing with nested arrays, you want to flatten it into a single array:

["Ford", "Toyota", "BMW", "Audi", "Honda", "Nissan"]

The slow way - Array variable

The slow way is to use an array variable, then while looping through the top level array, append or union the results into the array variable.

Variables are so slow I don’t even want to make them and add a picture.

The faster way - String manipulation

Convert the array into JSON string, remove the extra array [ and ] characters, re-construct the array in string, and convert back to JSON.

This is a method I was using, it’s much quicker, but has a risk of needing to be careful when removing bracket characters. If you have nested JSON objects this needs more care.

The new fastest way - div and mod flattening

To understand this - you need two numbers: m and n
m = number of elements in the top array
n = number of elements in the child array

Create a range of the total result size of the array (m) * (n)

Use select - loop through this range of numbers, then for each, select the nested result using:
outputs(‘nested-items’)?[ div( item(), outputs(‘n’)) ]?[mod( item(), outputs(‘n’)) ]

do you see how elegant this is 🤔

what’s going on here?
let’s picture for each of the 6 elements above.

0 = array[0][0] div(0, 2) = 0, mod(0,2) = 0
1 = array[0][1] div(1, 2) = 0, mod(1,2) = 1
2 = array[1][0]
3 = array[1][1]
4 = array[2][0] div(4, 2) = 2, mod(4,2) = 0
5 = array[2][1]

so in one select, we can flatten an (m * n) -sized array.

What if my child array is irregularly sized?
That’s OK. By using ?[n] Select will return null for that element, so we can follow the select with a filter-array to remove the nulls.


This works wonderfully with Pieter’s Method, which returns array of Body jsons.


This works well for cross-join of two arrays, and then flattening them into one.
(These bonus ideas are massive additional blog posts let me know if want to read them…)

Upgrading SharePointSSO Copilot SPFx to Botframework-WebChat 4.18

This is a quick post about how to make a few packages work together.

Firstly, we have this SharePoint SSO Copilot Studio Sample.

It uses SPFx 1.18, which uses typescript 4.7
It also uses botframework-webchat 4.15.9

There are a few really nice upgrades in Botframework-webchat since 4.15. But they also picked up a dependency on typescript 5.0.

Lots of people have reported issues with this…

Now if only we can easily upgrade SPFx to typescript 5.0…
Which is exactly what MVP Andrew Connell has written here:

So the final steps are:

  1. Commit everything first

  2. npm uninstall @microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-4.7 -DE

  3. npm install [email protected] -DE
    npm install [email protected] -DE

  4. npm install @microsoft/[email protected] -DE

  5. Update ./tsconfig.json (see AC’s blog!)

  6. npm install [email protected]

  7. I had the build failed because a task (lint) wrote output to stderr.
    So I had to switch off a few rules and suppress the error warning.

Surprisingly, everything works and deploys fine in SharePoint online.

A debug tip for complex conditions in Power Automate #FlowNinjaHack 126

This is #FlowNinjaHack 126

Sometimes, we have complex Condition blocks in Power Automate.

And when we run the flow, it just shows “false”, which is a bit hard to debug.

One way I’ve started doing, is to write a Compose debug statement that shows the output of each component of my condition.
I show the Code View here as well so you get the idea.

To convert from the Condition block to these expressions can be a bit tricky, since you can’t use Code View easily for Condition. So here’s a second hack.

Paste this to a text editor, something that understands JSON. You’ll get this part.

        "type": "If",
        "expression": {
            "and": [
                    "not": {
                        "equals": [
                    "not": {
                        "contains": [
                    "contains": [

Now this is still not the right format, but you can then go from this to:

not(contains(body('Select_page_filename'), outputs('Compose_-_Old_Title'))

With a lot less pain.
This is the debug message you’ll see when you run now.

Updating AzCopy in Azure Pipeline

You know how the saying goes - if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Well, something broke in my Azure Pipeline for Flow Studio App a few days ago, and it took a bit of time to figure it out, so it makes sense to write it down. I’m pretty sure I’ll forget again.

The error is related to AzFileCopy

  • AADSTS7000222: The provided client secret keys for app '***' are expired. Visit the Azure portal to create new keys for your app:, or consider using certificate credentials for added security:

  • There was an error with the service principal used for the deployment.

I set up my pipelines years ago and don’t remember what was in them. But there were a few issues:

  • I want to switch to Workload Identity Federation thing in Azure Pipelines, it looks like that means I won’t have to keep remembering my keys

  • I was using AzureFileCopy@3 which is not the latest version, latest version is v6. It also looks like v3 didn’t support the new credentials.


  • Click the convert button in Azure Pipelines

  • Fix AzCopy arguments

  • Fix a permission issue

Click the convert button

It created this identity. Hmm no secrets.

Fixing AzCopy arguments

I was using these AzCopy arguments: /S /Y /SetContentType

/S is --recursive=true 
/Y is --overwrite=true 
/SetContentType is apparently a default behaviour now so I didn’t have to set that

This is a new one I needed, because otherwise it was creating the “Drop” folder in Azure Pipelines as the rootfolder in Azure Blob.

Fixing Permissions

For a few hours I was struggling with AzCopy not working with the new credentials, and I don’t understand. I think because previously the credentials impersonated a person. Whereas now I need to grant a certain role to this new identity.

Go to Subscription (or Resource Group, or Storage)’s IAM settings.
Add Role Assignment
Find Storage Blob Data Contributor
Add the service accounts created by Azure Pipelines.

It should look something like this at the end.

and success

Flow Studio App v1.2 Updates

February and March was really busy for us here at Flow Studio.

Catherine is now wearing multiple hats and helping on Flow Studio in so many needed areas. You’ll see her a lot from here on.

Learn Flow Studio

First, we launched Learn Flow Studio - this is where we are publishing content, blog and newsletters regarding Flow Studio App. All of our previous documentation is moving here, and we’re not done yet! There are more articles to write.

Flow Studio - what’s changed in v1.2

  • Flow Studio App needed a backend cache library update - we took this opportunity to update our IndexedDB library from LocalForage to DexieDB. LocalForage doesn’t seem to be updated for some time, so the change looks necessary. We started this work on December 26, 2023.
    With this change in mind, we reworked the cache layer, giving us much better performance when we have lots of flows and flow runs. This is was quite a big change, the changes stayed in our dev branch for several months.

  • We fixed up a lot of labels, help text and links to learn flow studio.

  • We fixed Flow Studio migrate - removed operationMetadataId from being detected by the migrate wizard. There’s just too many guids it picked up.

  • We combined Flows and Flows (Solutions), so now everyone can see their solution flows in the free tier.

  • Made improvements to Full Text Search, when searching flow actions with “Compose This” we will also check for “Compose_This”. We also added RegExp search. Read more about this on learn.

Flow Studio App - roadmap / coming soon

  • At a high level, we are looking at moving more scanning to the background, giving users better control over the periodic scanning of the Power Platform, and rely on the IndexedDB cache to provide instant rendering of the Flow Studio App UI.

  • We want to start working on improving our user account management, including managing multiple license assignments and delegation.

  • We also are looking forward to implementing the Favourites feature.

Check out Flow Studio App