John Liu .NET

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Update on SharePoint and Office Development - 2016 Feb edition

We rotate through different topics and presenters in the Sydney SharePoint user group.  But I finally got my turn to present a developer topic, and I wanted to do a quick primer on all things Office Developer related.

This turned out to be a REALLY complex talk.  I wanted to cover ALL the cool new stuff in Office Dev.  But as it turns out every month (and now, every week) new things come out. 

I ended up with:

  • Brief Introduction to
  • Brief Introduction to PnP
  • Where we have been with SharePoint Add-Ins
  • Where we are going with Office Addins: 
  • NEW API: Microsoft Graph API
  • NEW AUTH: OAuth 2.0 and ADAL(js)
  • NEW TOOLS: New tools with Node, NPM, and Yeoman Generator (YO OFFICE)
  • Build a demo Office Addin that talks to both SharePoint Online and Microsoft Graph
  • Run on web and desktop

The presentation clocked in at 1 hour and 20mins - I started a bit earlier.  And kind of flopped off at the end as I run out of steam after the demo :-O

Then we gave out all the swag from so all is happy faces.

The PowerPoint presentation is here:

2015 February Presentation - Update on SharePoint and Office Development


Demo Fail

So at the end, the Office Add-In didn't load from the App Catalog on my desktop.  I went home and got it to work, here are screenshots to proof it.

Oh NO - no apps

Add SharePoint App catalog to trust center


Here it is.  The same addin working on desktop - talking to Microsoft Graph and showing Group Conversations